أحزان الشتاء الماضي

أستمعُ إلى (كريم منصور) وليلته الأخيرة
وأضحكُ ببلاهةٍ
رّبما لأنّها ليست الأخيرة لي
الضحك سمة الحزانى
ربما في ليلتي الأخيرة سأنامُ
باكراً وأنيقاً
وأغطي أوجاعي وأعدّ لهنّ الفطور
لأني عوّدتهن على صباحاتِ كلاسيكية
عندما أرحل سيكملن المسير
ويحضرن جنازتي
ويبكينَ علي
لا أريد بكاءهن
أخاف عليهن من النفاد
أوجاعي عجائز جنوبيات
في كل صباح يشعلن تنور الخيبات
ويخبزنَ أرغفةَ البؤس
قد أصبحت جَدّاً
فأوجاعي أنجبنَ
ولديهنَ أوجاعٌ صغيراتٌ يلعبنَ في باحة قلبي
ويشربنَ حسراتٍ طازجة
في كل صباح أوصلهنّ إلى المدرسة
ليتعلّمنَ البقاء على قيد قلب
أوجاعي خالدة
سيكملنَ المسيرة.

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use in 2022

Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

The Seer of the Bloody Woods

Ali Sabah Rasool Aslan

Born in 1990 in Babylon, and lives in Baghdad, Iraq.






A poetry collection documenting the bloody stage that Iraq went through from 2006 to 2020

Instagram: ali________aslan

The New Sumerians Project

Sundus Abdul Hadi

Born in 1985 in Baghdad, and lives in Ontario, Canada.


Digital Composite Image & Photography




Around 7,000 years ago, an ancient civilization known as the Sumerians settled along the banks of the Euphrates river, modern day Iraq. Their story gives clues as to our origin. Time was established as we still perceive it, and their advanced understanding of the cosmos and astronomy suggests that our ancestors had a certain access to the celestial sphere that has since been lost in translation.

THE NEW SUMERIANS is an evolving project that honours the ancestry we carry as displaced peoples. In collaboration with photographer Ahmad Nasereldein, I have created portraits that I have manipulated with the sculpted facial and body parts of Ancient Sumerians, starting with the 5,000 year old mask of “The Lady of Uruk”. This iteration begins with my origin story: my family— the microcosm. This process of transformation pays homage to our celestial ancestors, despite the passage of time and the circumstances that have propelled us away from our homeland.

These ancient sculptures carry our burdens and have witnessed our pillage. The New Sumerians is part of a larger exploration rooted in storytelling and world-building; a supernatural dimension where ancestors live amongst the unborn, and intergenerational burdens transform into wisdom.

عرّاف في غابة الدم

علي صباح رسول أسلان

ولد عام ١٩٩٠ في بابل ويعيش في بغداد في العراق.






مجموعة نصوص شعرية توثّق مرحلة الدم التي مر بها العراق منذ عام ٢٠٠٦ الى ٢٠٢٠

The New Sumerians Project

Sundus Abdul Hadi

Born in 1985 in Baghdad, and lives in Ontario, Canada.


Digital Composite Image & Photography




Around 7,000 years ago, an ancient civilization known as the Sumerians settled along the banks of the Euphrates river, modern day Iraq. Their story gives clues as to our origin. Time was established as we still perceive it, and their advanced understanding of the cosmos and astronomy suggests that our ancestors had a certain access to the celestial sphere that has since been lost in translation.

THE NEW SUMERIANS is an evolving project that honours the ancestry we carry as displaced peoples. In collaboration with photographer Ahmad Nasereldein, I have created portraits that I have manipulated with the sculpted facial and body parts of Ancient Sumerians, starting with the 5,000 year old mask of “The Lady of Uruk”. This iteration begins with my origin story: my family— the microcosm. This process of transformation pays homage to our celestial ancestors, despite the passage of time and the circumstances that have propelled us away from our homeland.

These ancient sculptures carry our burdens and have witnessed our pillage. The New Sumerians is part of a larger exploration rooted in storytelling and world-building; a supernatural dimension where ancestors live amongst the unborn, and intergenerational burdens transform into wisdom.

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